Unlocking your path to wellness

Addiction Recovery Philadelphia PA

If you are searching for fentanyl recovery near Philadelphia PA, the assistance you require on the journey to recovery can be found here. Talk therapy, managed medications, and group therapy are several examples of the broad array of services we offer. While a single step is all you need to begin the journey to recovery, this is often the hardest one to take. Mental health issues and addiction are often found together. Treating these issues on their own is therefore typically less effective, which is why we concentrate on holistic treatment at Provive. This offers long-term results that work towards a recovery that truly lasts with improved behaviors and habits. If you’re interested in partial-day addiction treatment near Philadelphia PA but have no idea where to turn, let us help at Provive.

An Addiction Treatment Program Philadelphia PA

We’re ready at Provive if you’re an addiction rehabilitation program near Philadelphia PA. Addiction doesn’t simply impact your physical health but can spill out into every aspect of your life. This includes pretty much anything you’re capable of thinking of, including friendships, family, work and more. This is something the experts at Provive know very well, which is why helping you cease your body’s dependence on a substance is just the starting point. For many people, their addiction started as the result of a trauma in their life, something needed that was lacking, or an underlying mental health issue. Developing a treatment strategy involves taking all of these factors into account. By taking a holistic approach, we are able to minimize patients’ chance of a relapse later on. When you are interested in a partial-day addiction treatment program near Philadelphia PA, all you’ve got to do is contact us today to find out more about what we’re able to offer.

Mental Health Services Philadelphia PA

We’re capable offering a wide range of interventions when it comes to personality disorder treatment near Philadelphia PA. We’re capable of providing effective treatment for those with a wide range of issues related to mental health, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and more. Over everything else, we focus on patient outcomes. We make sure the help you get is right for your needs with evidence-based treatments. Mental health issues are coming more into the light in recent years, with less of a stigma surrounding them. We’re here to answer your questions at Provive if you’re interested in what we can offer when it comes to a dissociative disorder program in Philadelphia PA.

Addiction Recovery Therapy Philadelphia PA

Ensuring services for fentanyl rehabilitation near Philadelphia PA are individualized is one of our top priorities as Provive. Everybody’s journey towards recovery has different twists and turns. To make sure you get the help you need, a number of different services are offered, including:

  • Day Treatment Program
  • Intensive Outpatient Program
  • Outpatient Program

We have trained experts ready to help if you aren’t certain what’s right for you when it comes to an addiction recovery rehab program near Philadelphia PA.

An Outpatient Rehabilitation Program Philadelphia PA

When you’re looking for holistic addiction rehab near Philadelphia PA, we’re dedicated to offering the effective options you require at Provive Wellness. Addiction can take many forms. You might not necessarily see a person’s symptoms on the outside and realize they’re suffering. We offer personalized treatment strategies, because addiction does not look the same for everyone. Depending on your needs and substance involved, you may require different options for therapy, medication, or some combination of the two. The experienced and caring staff at Provive Wellness is prepared to treat addiction from a broad variety of types of substances. Several examples include:

  • Marijuana
  • Methamphetamine
  • Designer Drugs
  • Opioids
  • Hallucinogenics
  • Alcohol

Call us at Provive Wellness today and learn how to get started with outpatient addiction rehab near Philadelphia PA.

Heroin Rehabilitation Philadelphia PA

The experts at Provive believe strongly in collaboration when it comes to outpatient addiction therapy near Philadelphia between patient and caregiver is something our multidisciplinary staff prioritizes. This way the right treatment plan is devised. When applicable, we’ll additionally work with other family members. We also take into consideration the importance of community when it comes to overall wellness, long-term recovery and having purpose as time goes on. For mental health treatment near Philadelphia PA with a focus on collaboration, visit Provive.